About me

Helene Strebel
Certified psychologist FH/SBAP
Federally accredited psychotherapist
I found my calling over 15 years ago when I started work as a psychotherapist and coach. Among other jobs, I worked at the IKP outpatient clinic in Zurich for ten years. I accompany people through challenging phases of their lives, through illness and in their personal development. I also bring my experience from my previous work as a freelance assessor for the company Unseld Consulting AG in Speicher (AR).

I trained as a holistic psychotherapist IKP at the same establishment, namely the Institute for Body-Centred Psychotherapy (IKP). Before that, I got to know myself in depth and develop myself through a fate-analytical study developed by Leopold Szondi. My methods also include solution-oriented therapy and counselling, CBASP, mindful self compassion, mindfulness and meditation.
I started my professional career in various management positions in sales and in the operation of call centres in a large telecommunications company. On a foreign assignment in Sweden, I broadened my knowledge in intercultural leadership.
Putting my love of people at the heart of my work
Over time, I realised that I wanted to devote more time to people and understand them better, and so I enrolled on a psychology course, specialising in work and organisational psychology. I applied my skills for ten years in management, team and organisational development. Among other things, I designed and facilitated workshops for managers (including new recruits), stress management courses and other work-related activities.
My motto as a manager was what is known in German as “the four Ms”: “Man muss Menschen mögen” (meaning “one has to like people”). I took this one step further, putting my love of people at the heart of my work: It enables me to spot the skills and development potential of my clients, to support them in discovering and developing themselves, and to support them and build them up when they are suffering setbacks.

My motto today is “It is never too late to start”. Personality development is possible right up until the day we die, for life constantly provides new opportunities for development. Instead of complaining about what has happened to you yet again, ask yourself what you can learn from your experiences and tackle them head on!